Embodied Machine employs computer simulations as generative mechanisms to abstract the behaviours of humans and reconstruct them through other media such as stage light or music. Working with computer simulations allows to create artificial entities whose behaviour and appearance significantly deviate from those of human dancers. This approach extends the reach of choreography into the speculative domain in which the concept of a dancing body is becomes open to creative experimentation.
When developing computer simulations for Embodied Machine, two topics stood in the foreground of attention. The translation of movement qualities that form part of the choreographic vocabulary of Muriel Romero into behaviours for simulated entities. The establishment of a co-presence between human dancer and simulated entities that allows both of them to mutually respond to and improvise with each other.
Two different types of computer simulations have been developed for Embodied Machine. A swarm simulation that models the coordinated behaviours of groups of entities. A body simulation that models how intricate morphologies can be articulated.
Detailed information about this an other software developments for this creation can be found here: